Friday, August 24, 2012


Yippee, yippee, I am going to a sleepover!!

  My papa is having hip replacement surgery on Monday and my mom needs to go take care of him and stay with him at the hospital.  He might be a little scared and Mom makes everything better when she is near.

This morning I went to meet my new friends who invited me for a sleepover while my papa and mom are at the hospital. 

This is Miss Susan and her daughter, Rachael, they are the grownups, and the other dog is Gigi.  Gigi is a poodle and she is over 10 years old.  She doesn't like to play much.

Meet Ebbie, she is Rachael's dog and she is a poodle mix and she is really BIG.  She likes to play.

This is all four of us girls together.  Mom let Miss Susan introduce me to her "girls".  I like them a lot.  And I love Miss Susan.  She gives really nice treats when you follow the rules.

I am following Ebbie to the doggie room.  She knows where all the good stuff is.

Ooohh!  Look what I found!  It is Gigi's bed.  Maybe if I move way over to the side she will get in with me.  Well, no, she wouldn't...

Miss Susan and I were playing sock tuggle and having a good time.  Then Ebbie wanted to play ...

This is so much fun.  She is really gentle when she plays with me.  She is ten years old, but still likes to play.

Miss Susan and Rachael wanted to play sock tuggle with Ebbie and me but we just kept the sock away from them.

It was a fun morning getting acquainted with Miss Susan, Rachael, Gigi and Ebbie.  But, boy am I tired.  I came home and snuggled up with Snoopy and we are going to take a nap.  I want to be all rested up to go when Miss Susan picks me up on Sunday.  I get to stay for 2 or 3 days.  What a great time I will have!!!

                                           -lil bit


  1. Have fun Lil Bit. Remember mama and papa will be happy that you are having fun. All will be back home and cuddling soon.

  2. Lil Bit, you're one lucky furkid! Just think about it -- you've got two new furfriends and two hooman friends, and and your poppa is getting a new hip and that'll make him and your mom both feel better, too--"It's a win-win situation all around".

    1. Thank you, Miss Rusty, I know I am a lucky puppy to have them and all my new furfriends.
