Sunday, February 19, 2012


It is not often that I choose to make a quilt in pastel or softer tones,but when my sister turned 60 that is just what I did.  She had just completed her studio and had chosen to paint each wall a different pastel color.  She had a light blue, a creamy yellow, a soft green, and a pale pink.  I thought that was such a cute idea and decided she needed a quilt to drape over her chair.  So I started looking for a pattern.  All of a sudden the idea struck me to use the Turning Twenty pattern and rename it Turning Twenty for the Third Time in honor of her 60 wonderful years.

However, she decided she did not want to use it in her studio because it matched her guest room so well.  While I was there visiting this weekend, I slept under her Turning Twenty the Third Time quilt.

Isn't it wonderful when someone likes your work enough to put it in their home to use instead of stored in a closet somewhere?
My sister is not a quilter and did not catch the joke about the name of the quilt until I explained it to her.  She only nodded.
She is a very talented woman in her own right.  She composes music and has a beautiful singing voice.

Love my visits with my little sister!


1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a wonderful weekend and visit!!

