Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Okay, I now have my third block finished on my Modern Block of the Month and I am loving it more and more. 

This month was a modern version of a Drunkard's Path block sewing half circles.  There was a little challenge with the template.  Once I had that figured out and that my printer was a little bit off it went together as easily as the two previous ones.

One of the things I like to have when I must copy a template from the computer is one of those 1" squares to check the measurement by.  Then I know if my printer is playing tricks on me or not.

I did not have that on this pattern, so it took a little sewing with  a practice block to see what I needed to do to get the proper sizing.

There are six blocks in this project and I am thinking that I want to do two runners with three blocks each and use them as window treatments in my family room.  I shall decide when I see the other blocks.

But, this looks interesting to me with the first three.

If you would like to join me doing this project, take a look here:

 Pile 'o Fabric blog written by Alyssa Lichner




  1. Very nice!...the curved seam block is on my to do/get up the nerve list

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Lainee! If you would like a tutorial for making the curved seam block I have one here:

      It might be helpful to you.

  2. Sandi this is very pretty..I love the colors.

    1. Aren't those fun colors, Sharon? I am liking them more and more.

  3. Very cool stuff! Love the colors.
