Saturday, March 1, 2014


Even though I set up a tentative list for completion this month, I seem to easily get off track. 

One of the projects I have done this week is a play quilt for a friend of mine who is going to be a first-time grandmother.  I like to make these little play mats that Grandmother can keep at her house for her precious bundle to lie on and eventually play on or be read to.

The Pineapple Workshop was a lot of fun. I had hoped to get back to it before the month ended, but that did not happen.  I will add it to next month's project list.

Pineapple Blocks Workshop used a ruler by Jean Ann Wright that makes it fast and easy.

I have seven blocks completed and I think I need a total of 16 to do a small wall hanging.  Of course, I want to do one for my daughter, too!! 
This will be a great leader/ender project as I work on other things that have deadlines.
Another project not on this month's list is the quilt I am making for my grandson.  I did add another round of the Courthouse Steps strips.  I have been using this project as a leader/ender for other projects.  This is now at a place to make it the primary project.
I also started a project that will be unveiled much later in the summer.  Here is a sneak peek at one of the blocks.
My Cascade Scarf is growing. .
I am working on three other projects that have deadlines for a special event and I cannot show them just yet!
LilBit is having a little slurp treat!!!

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